In addition to the file defined in Article R. 2141-7, the centre authorised to store embryos with a view to their reception and to carry out this reception keeps the following information for each couple or each unmarried woman at the origin of the conception of the embryos:
1° The number of embryos received ;
2° The date of transfers with a view to implantation;
Information enabling a link to be established between the couple or unmarried woman at the origin of the conception of the embryos and the children to be born or born after reception is kept for a minimum period of forty years under conditions guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of the data, to which only practitioners meeting the criteria mentioned in articles R. 2142-10 for carrying out the clinical activities of implementing embryo reception mentioned in e of 1° of Article R. 2142-1 and the criteria mentioned in R. 2142-11 for the biological activities of preserving embryos with a view to their reception and implementation mentioned in g of 2° of Article R. 2142-1.