I. – The verification provided for in article L. 221-38 is carried out only after the customer has signed a contract to open a Livret A passbook account with a credit institution.
II. – Customers must specify whether they agree or refuse to allow the tax authorities to pass on information relating to any other Livret A savings accounts they may hold to the credit institution referred to in article R. 221-121. This agreement or refusal is stated in the contract. The customer may not object to the tax authorities informing the credit institution solely of the existence of other Livret A passbook accounts held by the customer.
III. – The institution to which the application to open a Livret A savings account is made will ask the tax authorities to check whether the person already holds a Livret A savings account. This request includes a series of data, the list of which is set by order of the ministers responsible for the economy and the budget. It shall specify whether the customer has agreed or refused, in the contract provided for in article R. 221-1, that the information relating to any Livret A passbooks that he or she may already hold be communicated to the credit institution. At the request of the authorities, the institution shall produce the contract entered into.