Partners are convened by registered letter at least fifteen days before the meeting. The letter shall indicate the agenda. However, when the meeting is convened, due to the death of the sole manager, by the statutory auditor or a member, in accordance with the provisions of the eighth paragraph of Article L. 223-27, the time limit is reduced to eight days.
A company that intends to use electronic communication instead of postal dispatch to comply with the formalities provided for in articles R. 223-18 to R. 223-20, R. 223-20-2 and R. 223-20-3 submit the proposal to the members either by post or by electronic means. Each shareholder may give his written consent by registered letter or by electronic means, no later than twenty days before the date of the next general meeting. In the event of agreement, the notice of meeting and the documents and information referred to in the said articles shall be sent to the address indicated by the member.
In the absence of the member’s agreement, the company uses postal delivery to satisfy the formalities provided for in articles R. 223-18 to R. 223-20, R. 223-20-2 and R. 223-20-3. Members who have consented to the use of electronic means may, by this means or by registered letter, request the return to a postal dispatch at least twenty days before the date of the next meeting.
Subject to miscellaneous items, which must be of minimal importance, the items on the agenda shall be worded in such a way that their content and scope are clear, without the need to refer to other documents.
The agent responsible for convening the meeting in the case provided for in the seventh paragraph of Article L. 223-27 shall be appointed by order of the President of the Commercial Court ruling in summary proceedings.