The annual report referred to in Article L. 224-37 shall give an account of the following in particular:
a) New memberships in the plan, as well as the flow of payments and benefits paid out during the financial year ;
b) Complaints from plan members and any other disputes or proceedings initiated by the insurance company concerning the management of the plan;
c) Any changes during the financial year relating to the administrative management of the plan;
d) Charges of any kind levied on the plan;
e) Unrealised capital gains or losses, the financial result and the technical result of the auxiliary allocation accounts mentioned inarticle L. 142-4 of the Insurance Code, as well as the distribution of the technical and financial results among the holders;
f) For each investment vehicle offered under the plan, the composition, by major asset class, of the vehicle’s portfolio and any changes made during the financial year to its financial management guidelines and instruments;
g) The use, by the insurance company or its agents, if any, of the voting rights attached to the assets held to represent the commitments relating to the plan.
When the retirement savings plan is opened in the form of a life insurance contract whose commitments are expressed in units of annuity, the report also mentions the rate of revaluation of the rights and the rate of return on the assets invested to represent the commitments.