Shareholders who waive their pre-emptive rights on an individual basis shall notify the company by registered letter.
Waiver without indicating a beneficiary shall be accompanied, in the case of bearer shares, by the corresponding coupons or a certificate from the custodian of the securities or the intermediary provided for in the article R. 211-4 of the Monetary and Financial Code acknowledging the shareholder’s waiver.
Waiver made in favour of named beneficiaries shall be accompanied by the acceptance of the latter.
For the application of the provisions of articles L. 225-133 and L. 225-134, when calculating the number of unsubscribed shares, account shall be taken of those corresponding to preferential rights that have been waived by individual shareholders without indicating the names of the beneficiaries. However, where such waiver has been notified to the company no later than the date of the decision to carry out the capital increase, the corresponding shares shall be made available to the other shareholders for the exercise of their preferential subscription rights.