The proxy given by a shareholder to be represented at a meeting must be signed by the shareholder, where applicable by an electronic signature process, and must state the shareholder’s surname, first name and usual place of residence. It may designate by name a proxy, who does not have the option of substituting another person.
For the application of the first paragraph, when the company decides, in accordance with the Articles of Association, to allow shareholders to participate in general meetings by electronic means of communication, the signature of the shareholder or his legal or judicial representative may result from a reliable shareholder identification process, guaranteeing its link with the remote voting form to which it is attached.
The proxy is given for a single meeting. It may, however, be given for two meetings, one ordinary, the other extraordinary, held on the same day or within a period of fifteen days.
A mandate given for one meeting shall be valid for successive meetings convened with the same agenda.
It may be revoked in the same manner as that required for the appointment of the proxy.