Childcare establishments and services draw up an establishment or service plan that implements the national charter for the care of young children referred to inarticle L. 214-1-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles.
The establishment or service project includes the following elements:
1° A reception project. This project sets out the care services offered, specifying the duration and frequency of care. It details the arrangements made for the care of children with disabilities or chronic illnesses. It includes a description of the professional skills used, expressed by qualification, function and full-time equivalents, in particular in application of article R. 2324-38 of this code, as well as the actions taken in terms of analysis of professional practices in application of article R. 2324-37 and training, including, where applicable, apprenticeships;
2° An educational project. This project specifies the measures taken to ensure the reception, care, development, well-being and early learning of children, particularly in artistic and cultural matters, and to promote equality between girls and boys;
3° A social and sustainable development project. This project specifies how the establishment or service is to be integrated into its social environment and vis-à-vis its external partners. It includes the arrangements for family participation in the life of the establishment or service and the parenting support measures proposed, where applicable within the framework of the establishment or service council referred to in article R. 2324-32. It details the measures taken to implement the right provided for in the last paragraph of article L. 214-2 and in II of article L. 214-7 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles. It describes how the establishment includes sustainable development in its activities.