An establishment known as a “kindergarten” is authorised to accommodate between twelve and eighty children aged two or over at any one time, with a view to facilitating their integration into primary education.
At least half of the staff responsible for supervising the children hold one of the qualifications set out in 1° of article R. 2324-42. The other half of the staff hold a qualification or have experience in the field of early childhood, as defined by order of the Minister responsible for the family.
A kindergarten is managed by one of the persons mentioned in articles R. 2324-34 and R. 2324-35 or, failing this, by a person with a qualification and experience in the field of early childhood, as defined by order of the Minister responsible for the family. Management duties may be performed on a part-time basis, for a period of at least one quarter of the legal working time.
The provisions of article R. 2324-27 do not apply to early learning centres.
By way of derogation from the first paragraph of article R. 2324-43, the number of staff supervising the children is calculated so as to ensure the presence of one professional for every twelve children.
The educational project provided for in 2° of article R. 2324-29 meets the conditions set by order of the Minister responsible for the family.