I.-The family crèches mentioned in 3° of II of article R. 2324-17 contribute to the provision of both occasional and regular childcare for young children, as well as to the development of the skills of the childcare assistants they employ.
II-Family crèches fall into one of the following categories:
1° Small family crèches with a capacity of less than thirty places;
2° Family crèches with a capacity of between thirty and fifty-nine places;
3° Large family crèches with a capacity of between sixty and eighty-nine places;
4° Very large family crèches with a capacity of ninety places or more.
III -All family crèches have, outside their employees’ homes, premises reserved for the reception of childminders and holders of parental authority or legal representatives, a meeting room and an area reserved for early-learning activities for the children.
IV.-For all family crèches, the establishment project provided for in article R. 2324-29 also includes:
1° A presentation of the arrangements for the ongoing training of childminders, the professional support they receive and the monitoring of the children cared for;
2° A presentation of the arrangements for implementing the provisions of article R. 2324-48-4.