All seasonal or ad hoc establishments or services are subject to the provisions of this section, depending on the type of establishment or service for the care of young children to which they belong. However:
1° In the operating regulations, the elements mentioned in 3°, 6° and 7° of the I of article R. 2324-30 are not required;
2° The obligation to ensure the assistance of a Health and Inclusive Reception referent as provided for in article R. 2324-39 and, where applicable, the obligation to ensure the assistance of the professionals mentioned in article R. 2324-40-1, do not apply. The Director presents the protocols provided for in II of article R. 2324-30 to the departmental maternal and child protection service each time the establishment opens or reopens;
3° The standards provided for in IV of article R. 2324-28 include specific requirements concerning the premises of these establishments.