The invitation to the meeting to deliberate on the facts noted provided for in the second paragraph of Article L. 234-2 shall be sent by the statutory auditor to the executive director, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, within fifteen days of receipt of the executive director’s reply or the expiry of the time limit for the reply. The letter shall be accompanied by the statutory auditor’s special report. A copy of this invitation shall be sent without delay to the president of the court, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
Within eight days of their receipt, the manager communicates the invitation and the auditor’s report to the works council or, failing this, to the employee delegates and convenes the general meeting. The latter must, in any event, be convened no later than one month after the date of the invitation made by the statutory auditor.
If the director fails to do so, the statutory auditor shall convene the general meeting within eight days of the expiry of the deadline given to the director. He sets the agenda for the meeting and may, if necessary, choose a venue other than that provided for in the Articles of Association, but located in the same département. In all cases, the costs incurred by the meeting shall be borne by the company.