The restraining order combined with the obligation to wear an electronic anti-removal bracelet is ordered for a period that may not exceed six months. It may be extended for the same period in accordance with the procedures set out in the first four paragraphs of article R. 24-14 and if the condition set out in the first paragraph of Article R. 24-15 is always completed, without its total duration exceeding two years.
When the person referred to the criminal court or the assize court is maintained or remains under judicial supervision in accordance with articles 179 and 181, or that placement under judicial supervision has been ordered pursuant to articles 394,396,397-1-1 or 397-3, the total duration of the measure, taking into account any measures taken during the investigation, may not exceed two years, without it being necessary to order an extension every six months and subject to the possibility for the person concerned to request that the measure be lifted.