The Labour Inspector and, in the event of an appeal through the hierarchy, the Minister shall examine in particular whether the proposed dismissal is related to the mandate held, applied for or previously exercised by the person concerned.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Book IV: Protected employees | Title II: Authorisation procedures applicable to the termination or transfer of the contract | Chapter I: Application for authorisation and assessment of the application | Section 1: Procedure applicable in the event of dismissal | Subsection 1: Trade union delegate, mandated employee, member of the staff delegation to the inter-company social and economic committee and employee adviser | Article R2421-7 of the French Labour Code
The Labour Inspector and, in the event of an appeal through the hierarchy, the Minister shall examine in particular whether the proposed dismissal is related to the mandate held, applied for or previously exercised by the person concerned.
L’inspecteur du travail et, en cas de recours hiérarchique, le ministre examinent notamment si la mesure de licenciement envisagée est en rapport avec le mandat détenu, sollicité ou antérieurement exercé par l’intéressé.
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