For their application in New Caledonia and French Polynesia:
1° In article R. 2141-2, in 2°, the words: “if they have not already been under the conditions defined in article R. 2141-4,” and, in 3°, the words: “, mentioned in article R. 2141-7” are deleted;
2° Article R. 2141-8 is replaced by the following provisions:
“Art. R. 2141-8.-Information making it possible to establish a link between the couple at the origin of the conception of the embryos and the children to be born or born after reception is kept for a minimum period of forty years under conditions guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of the data. “;
3° In article R. 2141-9, the words: “the criteria mentioned in article R. 2142-10” are replaced by the words: “the criteria in force under locally applicable regulations”.
4° In article R. 2141-11:
a) For its application in New Caledonia, the words: “by article 311-20 of the Civil Code and by articles 1157-2 and 1157-3 of the Code of Civil Procedure” are replaced by the words: “by reference to the rules of civil law and civil procedure applicable in New Caledonia”;
b) For its application in French Polynesia, the words: ” par les articles 1157-2 et 1157-3 du code de procédure civile ” sont remplacés par les mots : ” par la référence aux règles de procédure civile applicables en Polynésie française “;
5° A l’article R. 2141-18, for its application in New Caledonia, the words: “The holders of parental authority of a minor, whose gametes or germ tissue are conserved for the preservation of fertility, pursuant to Article L. 2141-11, are contacted” are replaced by the words: “The minor whose gametes or germ tissue are conserved for the preservation of fertility, pursuant to Article L. 2141-11, or their representative, is contacted”;
6° In article R. 2141-19, for its application in New Caledonia, the second sentence of the first paragraph is replaced by the sentence: “The minor, whose gametes or germ tissue are to be stored in application of article L. 2141-11, or their representative, receive the same information. “;
7° In article R. 2141-20, the words: “mentioned in articles R. 1211-25 to R. 1211-28-1” are replaced by the words: “defined by the provisions applicable locally”;
8° In article R. 2141-23, the words: “as well as the health safety rules relating to gametes for donation” are deleted;
9° In article R. 2141-30, the words: “mentioned in 4° to 7° of article R. 2142-29” are replaced by the words: “defined by locally applicable provisions”.