The State representative, chairman of the commission, is appointed by joint order of the ministers responsible for culture, industry and consumer affairs, from among the members of the Conseil d’Etat, the Cour de cassation or the Cour des comptes.
The commission also includes twenty-four members representing the categories mentioned in the first paragraph of Article L. 311-5.
The organisations called upon to appoint the members of the commission and the number of persons each is called upon to appoint are determined by joint order of the ministers responsible for culture, industry and consumer affairs.
The committee decides by a majority of its members present. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the casting vote.
When the Chairman makes use of the option, provided for in Article L. 311-5, to request a second deliberation, the decision is adopted by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.
An alternate member is appointed, under the same conditions, for each full member. Alternate members attend meetings and take part in deliberations only in the absence of the full representative they are deputising for.