The Labour Inspector is informed in advance by the employer of collective work stoppages and the arrangements for recovery. If work is interrupted by an unforeseen event, the information is given immediately.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book I: Working hours, rest periods and holidays | Title II: Hours of work, distribution and organisation of working hours | Chapter I: Working hours and working arrangements | Section 4: Organisation of working time over a period longer than a week, individual timetables and recovery of hours lost | Subsection 3: Recovery of lost hours | Paragraph 1: Public policy | Article R3121-33 of the French Labour Code
The Labour Inspector is informed in advance by the employer of collective work stoppages and the arrangements for recovery. If work is interrupted by an unforeseen event, the information is given immediately.
L’inspecteur du travail est préalablement informé par l’employeur des interruptions collectives de travail et des modalités de la récupération. Si le travail est interrompu par un évènement imprévu, l’information est donnée immédiatement.
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