The employer may decide to exceed, on his own responsibility, the maximum daily working time of eight hours when the circumstances mentioned in article R. 3122-1 involve :
1° The performance of urgent work with a view to organising rescue measures ;
2° The prevention of imminent accidents;
3° Repairing accidents to equipment, installations or buildings.
If the employer has not yet submitted a request for the daily working time to be exceeded, he shall immediately submit a request for regularisation to the Labour Inspector, accompanied by the justifications, the opinion of the Social and Economic Committee, if any, the minutes of the consultation of the trade union delegates, if any, and all necessary explanations as to the causes which necessitated the extension of the daily working time without prior authorisation.
If he is awaiting a response to a request to exceed the daily working time, he shall immediately inform the labour inspector of the obligation to anticipate the expected decision and give the reasons for this.