I. – Claims for compensation under the out-of-court procedure provided for in articles L. 3131-4 and L. 3135-3 in respect of the losses defined in the same articles shall be addressed to the Office national d’indemnisation des accidents médicaux, des affections iatrogènes et des infections nosocomiales mentioned in article L. 1142-22 .
They shall include the justification for the damage and shall be accompanied by evidence that the act causing the damage was carried out within the framework of the measures taken in application of articles L. 3131-1, L. 3134-1 or L. 3135-1. Victims or, in the event of their death, their heirs shall provide the Office with all the information at their disposal.
Requests are sent to the Office by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
The Office will acknowledge receipt of the request.
If necessary, it will request any missing documents.
It will inform the applicant without delay that the application is complete, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.
II – Persons who have access to documents and information provided to the Office are bound by professional secrecy, under the conditions and subject to the penalties laid down in articles 226-13 and 226-14 of the French Penal Code.
Documents of a medical nature are subject to the provisions relating to medical confidentiality.