On a proposal from the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, the Prefect shall refer the matter to the liberty and custody judge for the purpose of extending the quarantine or isolation measure beyond fourteen days pursuant to the fifth paragraph of II of article L. 3131-17 if the quarantine or isolation measure prohibits the person concerned from leaving the place where the quarantine or isolation is taking place or requires the person concerned to remain at home or in accommodation for more than twelve hours a day.
To be accepted, the request must be submitted no later than the tenth day of the measure. On pain of inadmissibility, the request must be substantiated, dated, signed and accompanied by the medical opinion establishing the need for the extension and, where the request relates to a segregation measure, the medical certificate justifying the segregation placement. It shall also include any useful supporting documents.
The request shall be sent by any means to the court registry, which shall register it and stamp it and the attachments with a stamp indicating the date and time of receipt.
The Prefect shall immediately send a copy of the application and the documents attached thereto to the person who is the subject of the measure, by any means, and shall inform them that they may submit written observations no later than the twelfth day of the measure.