If the liberty and custody judge has not given a ruling before the expiry of the fourteen-day period provided for in article R. 3131-24, the quarantine or isolation measure is released at the end of this period.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Regulatory part | Part Three: Combating disease and addiction | Book I: Combating communicable diseases | Title III: Serious health threats and crises | Chapter Ia: State of health emergency | Section 2: Quarantine and isolation measures | Article R3131-25 of the French Public Health Code
If the liberty and custody judge has not given a ruling before the expiry of the fourteen-day period provided for in article R. 3131-24, the quarantine or isolation measure is released at the end of this period.
Lorsque le juge des libertés et de la détention n’a pas statué avant l’expiration du délai de quatorze jours prévu à l’article R. 3131-24, la mainlevée de la mesure de quarantaine ou d’isolement est acquise à l’issue ce délai.
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