The concession contract may be amended when the amendment is made necessary by circumstances that a diligent granting authority could not have foreseen.
In this case, the provisions of articles R. 3135-3 and R. 3135-4 apply.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public procurement code | Regulatory part | PART THREE: CONCESSIONS | Book I: GENERAL PROVISIONS | Title III: PERFORMANCE OF THE CONCESSION CONTRACT | Chapter V: AMENDMENTS TO THE CONCESSION AGREEMENT | Section 1: Authorised modifications | Subsection 3: Unforeseen circumstances | Article R3135-5 of the French Public procurement code
The concession contract may be amended when the amendment is made necessary by circumstances that a diligent granting authority could not have foreseen.
In this case, the provisions of articles R. 3135-3 and R. 3135-4 apply.
Le contrat de concession peut être modifié lorsque la modification est rendue nécessaire par des circonstances qu’une autorité concédante diligente ne pouvait pas prévoir.
Dans ce cas, les dispositions des articles R. 3135-3 et R. 3135-4 sont applicables.
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