The concession contract may be amended without a new competitive tendering procedure if the changes, whatever their amount, are not substantial.
For the purposes of Article L. 3135-1, an amendment is deemed to be substantial when at least one of the following conditions is met:
1° It introduces conditions which, if they had been included in the initial award procedure, would have attracted more participants or allowed the admission of candidates or tenderers other than those initially admitted or the choice of a tender other than the one initially selected;
2° It alters the economic balance of the concession in favour of the concessionaire in a way that was not provided for in the initial concession contract;
3° It considerably extends the scope of the concession contract;
4° It has the effect of replacing the concessionaire to whom the concession authority initially awarded the concession contract with a new concessionaire, except in the cases referred to in article R. 3135-6.