The information mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 326-2 are as follows:
1° The articles of association and the general regulations;
2° The conditions of membership and the conditions of termination of the authorisation to manage rights, if these are not included either in the articles of association or in the general regulations;
3° The standard exploitation authorisation contracts and the applicable standard tariffs, including, where applicable, the applicable discounts and reductions ;
4° The list of persons who are members of the board of directors, or the supervisory board and the management board;
5° The general policy on the distribution of sums due to rights holders;
6° The general policy on management fees ;
7° The general policy on deductions, other than those relating to management fees, made from income derived from the exploitation of rights and from any revenue resulting from the investment of such income, including for the purpose of providing social, cultural and educational services…;
8° The list of representation agreements concluded, specifying the names of the collective management organisations concerned;
9° The general policy for the use of sums that cannot be distributed;
10° The procedures established in accordance with Article L. 325-5 ;
11° The procedures established in accordance with Article L. 328-1.