Subject to the provisions of Article R. 321-65, no person may conduct voluntary sales of furniture by public auction unless he meets the following conditions:
1° Be French or a national of a State other than France that is a member of the European Union or a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area;
2° Not have been convicted of a criminal offence for acts contrary to honour or probity or, in the profession in which they previously practised, of a disciplinary or administrative sanction involving dismissal, striking off, revocation, withdrawal of approval or authorisation for acts of the same nature;
3° Subject to the exemptions provided for in articles R. 321-19 and R. 321-21, hold either a national bachelor’s degree in law and a national bachelor’s degree in the history of art, or in the applied arts, or in archaeology or in the plastic arts, or hold qualifications or diplomas, accepted as dispensations, the list of which is set by joint order of the Minister of Justice and the Minister responsible for higher education;
4° Have passed the examination for access to the traineeship provided for in articles R. 321-20 to R. 321-25;
5° Have completed the training period referred to in 4° under the conditions provided for in articles R. 321-26 to R. 321-31.
The persons mentioned in article 54 of Law no. 2000-642 of 10 July 2000 regulating voluntary sales of furniture by public auction are exempt from the conditions set out in 1°, 3°, 4° and 5°.