Auctioneer’s clerks with proof of at least seven years’ professional practice, persons who have exercised equivalent responsibilities for the same length of time with one or more operators of voluntary sales of furniture by public auction or sworn merchandise brokers, as well as those who have exercised these responsibilities successively with a sworn merchandise broker and with an operator of voluntary sales of furniture by public auction for a total period of at least seven years, are exempt from the conditions provided for in 3°, 4° and 5° of article R. 321-18, by decision of the Conseil des maisons de vente, if they pass the aptitude examination before the jury provided for in articles R. 321-23 et seq.
The period of professional practice provided for in the previous paragraph must have been acquired over the last ten years.
The programme and terms of the aptitude examination are set by order of the Minister of Justice.
No one may sit the examination more than three times.