When the supervisory board wishes to hear a person pursuant to III of article L. 327-11, the interested party is notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt at least fifteen days before the date of the meeting. This period is extended to two months if the person summoned is based outside mainland France. The summons shall remind the person summoned that he is entitled to be assisted by counsel of his choice, pursuant to III of article L. 327-11.
When the supervisory board wishes to hear the person concerned via a videoconference or audioconference system, the summons sent under the conditions provided for in the previous paragraph must state this fact, specify that the conference will be recorded and seek the express agreement of the person concerned.
When the mediator wishes to hear a person in application of III of article L. 327-11, the summons shall remind the person summoned that he or she is entitled to be assisted by counsel of his or her choice.
The summons shall also state that the mediator has the express consent of the person concerned.