The continuing vocational training provided for in article L. 321-4-1 ensures that the person managing voluntary sales of furniture by public auction updates and perfects the knowledge required to practise his profession.
The duration of continuing training is twenty hours in the course of one calendar year or forty hours in the course of two consecutive years.
The continuing training obligation is fulfilled by:
1° Through participation in training courses in law, cultural heritage, art history, applied arts, archaeology, plastic arts, business creation and management, accounting, management, foreign languages, business strategy, communication and marketing, provided by higher education establishments;
2° By taking part in technical training courses in law, art history, applied arts, archaeology, plastic arts, photography, graphic design, IT and web development, authorised by the Conseil des Maisons de Vente and provided by it or by qualified professionals within the meaning of article L. 321-4, cultural institutions or educational establishments;
3° By attending colloquia or conferences related to the professional activity of an operator of voluntary sales of furniture by public auction;
4° By teaching courses related to the professional activity of an operator of voluntary sales of chattels by public auction, in a university or professional context;
> By publishing works related to the professional activity of an operator of voluntary sales of chattels by public auction
5° Through the publication of works related to the professional activity of the operator of voluntary sales of chattels by public auction.
During the first two years of professional practice, this training shall include at least ten hours on professional ethics and status, provided by the Conseil des maisons de vente.
The decisions determining the terms and conditions for the implementation of this training shall be taken by the Conseil des maisons de vente.
The decisions determining the procedures for implementing the provisions of this article taken by the college of the Conseil des maisons de vente shall be notified to the Minister of Justice within thirty days.