Where the training received by the applicant relates to subjects substantially different from those included in the syllabuses of the diplomas mentioned in 3° of Article R. 321-18and the professional examination mentioned in article R. 321-22, the person concerned shall, at his or her choice, undergo an aptitude test before the selection board provided for in article R. 321-23 or an adaptation period, the duration of which may not exceed three years.
The programme and organisational procedures for the aptitude test and the adaptation period are set by order of the Minister of Justice.
The council shall specify which of the subjects in the programme referred to in the previous paragraph the applicant is to be tested on or the duration of his probationary period, taking into account his training and professional experience. It may exempt the applicant from these measures if it considers that the knowledge, skills and competences that the applicant has acquired in the course of his or her professional experience or lifelong learning, and which have been duly validated for this purpose by a competent body in a Member State or in a third country, are such as to cover, in whole or in part, the substantial difference in training noted.
The board notifies applicants of the results of the aptitude test or the assessment of the probationary period.