Before placing the bids, if the property being seized is a residential property or the business assets of an establishment open to the public and used wholly or partly for accommodation, the lawyer must also obtain a statement from the principal stating whether or not the principal has been convicted of one of the offences referred to in article L. 322-7-1 and, if the principal is a natural person, whether or not the property is intended for his or her personal occupation. If the principal is a non-trading property company (société civile immobilière) or a general partnership (société en nom collectif), it must also state whether or not its partners and corporate officers have been convicted of any of these offences.
If the principal is a natural person, the certificate mentions his surname, first names, date and place of birth and domicile, as well as, if he was born abroad, the surname and first names of his parents. If the principal is a legal entity, the certificate shall state its name and SIREN number. In the case of a non-trading property company (société civile immobilière) or a general partnership (société en nom collectif), the certificate also includes all the information required for its partners and corporate officers, whether they are natural persons or legal entities. The certificate is dated and signed by the principal.