In the absence of a bid and when the amount of the reserve price has been modified by the judge, the property is immediately put back up for sale by successive reductions of this amount, if necessary up to the amount of the initial reserve price.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code of civil enforcement procedures | Regulatory part | BOOK III: SEIZURE OF PROPERTY | TITLE II: SEIZURE AND SALE OF THE PROPERTY | Chapter II: Sale of the seized property | Section 4: Sale by auction | Subsection 3: Auctions | Paragraph 2: The auction process | Article R322-47 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures
In the absence of a bid and when the amount of the reserve price has been modified by the judge, the property is immediately put back up for sale by successive reductions of this amount, if necessary up to the amount of the initial reserve price.
A défaut d’enchère et lorsque le montant de la mise à prix a été modifié par le juge, le bien est immédiatement remis en vente sur baisses successives de ce montant, le cas échéant jusqu’au montant de la mise à prix initiale.
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