In addition to the information provided for inArticle 56 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the notice shall include, on pain of nullity :
1° An indication of the place, date and time of the orientation hearing;
2° A summons to acquaint oneself with the schedule of conditions of sale, which may be consulted at the registry of the enforcement judge, where it is deposited no later than the fifth working day after the date of the debtor’s summons to the orientation hearing, or at the office of the pursuing creditor’s lawyer;
3° Indication of the upset price as set out in the terms and conditions of sale;
4° A summons to declare the debts registered on the seized property, in principal, costs and accrued interest, with an indication of the rate of default interest, by a lawyer’s deed filed at the registry of the execution judge and accompanied by a copy of the debt deed and the registration slip, and to notify the pursuing creditor and the debtor of this declaration on the same day or the first working day following, in the same form or by service ;
5° The reproduction, in very conspicuous characters, of articles L. 331-2 and R. 322-12 ;
6° The reproduction of article R. 311-6.