In the month following publication of the title deed, the pursuing creditor, or failing that the most diligent creditor or the debtor, summons the creditors holding a published security interest in an immovable by destination mentioned in article L. 331-1 to declare their claim.
This summons shall contain, under penalty of being declared null and void:
1° A copy of the summons to pay valid as a seizure of property;
2° A summons to declare the claims registered on the seized property, in principal, costs and accrued interest, with an indication of the rate of default interest, by a lawyer’s deed filed at the registry of the enforcement judge and accompanied by a copy of the registration form or any evidence of registration in the register mentioned inarticle R. 521-1 of the Commercial Code and to notify the pursuing creditor and the debtor of this declaration on the same day or on the first working day following the declaration, in the same manner or by service ;
3° The reproduction, in very conspicuous characters, of articles L. 331-2 and R. 331-5.