Companies constituting an economic and social unit set up profit-sharing, either through a single agreement covering the economic and social unit, or through separate agreements covering all the employees of these companies.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book III: Employee dividends: incentives, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Title II: Profit-sharing | Chapter II: Introduction of profit-sharing | Article R3322-2 of the French Labour Code
Companies constituting an economic and social unit set up profit-sharing, either through a single agreement covering the economic and social unit, or through separate agreements covering all the employees of these companies.
Les entreprises constituant une unité économique et sociale mettent en place la participation, soit par un accord unique couvrant l’unité économique et sociale, soit par des accords distincts couvrant l’ensemble des salariés de ces entreprises.
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