I.-The “socially useful solidarity enterprise” approval provided for in Article L. 3332-17-1 is issued by the prefect of the département in which the enterprise has its registered office.
When the company has its registered office in another Member State of the European Union, it submits its application for approval to the prefect of the département where it has its main establishment in France.
II – The application for authorisation is sent by the company’s legal representative to the prefect by any means that provides a date certain for its receipt.
The composition of the file that must be attached to this application is set by order of the Minister for the Social and Solidarity Economy and the Minister for Employment.
If the Prefect remains silent for two months from receipt of a complete application, this will be deemed to constitute a decision of acceptance.
III – Approval is granted for a period of five years. By way of exception, for companies that have been in existence for less than three years on the date of the application for approval, approval is granted for a period of two years.
To renew the authorisation, the company must provide, in accordance with the procedures laid down by the order referred to in the fourth paragraph, evidence that it has complied with the conditions laid down in article R. 3332-21-1 throughout the period of its previous authorisation.
IV -Authorisation is granted automatically to the legal entities mentioned in II of Article L. 3332-17-1 which provide evidence that they are covered by these provisions in accordance with the procedures laid down by the order mentioned in the fourth paragraph.
V.-Approval decisions are published in the Recueil des actes administratifs of the departmental prefecture.
A national list of approved companies is made available to the public on the initiative of the Minister for the Social Economy.