Securities issued by socially responsible companies include equity securities, bonds, promissory notes, savings bonds, current account advances, equity securities and equity loans issued or granted by these companies.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book III: Employee dividends: incentives, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Title III: Employee savings plans | Chapter II: Company savings plan | Section 3: Composition and management of the plan. | Article R3332-21-4 of the French Labour Code
Securities issued by socially responsible companies include equity securities, bonds, promissory notes, savings bonds, current account advances, equity securities and equity loans issued or granted by these companies.
Les titres émis par des entreprises solidaires s’entendent des titres de capital, des titres obligataires, des billets à ordre, des bons de caisse, des avances en comptes courants, des titres participatifs et des prêts participatifs émis ou consentis par ces mêmes entreprises.
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