When the bonds referred to in article L. 3332-23 are not admitted to trading on a regulated market, these securities are valued at their nominal value plus accrued interest.
In this case, either the issuing company, or a company in the same group within the meaning of articles L. 3344-1 and L. 3344-2, undertakes to repurchase these securities at the first request of the subscriber at their nominal value plus accrued interest, or an equivalent mechanism is set up, guaranteeing their repurchase on the same terms. In addition, when these debt securities are included in the assets of a fonds commun de placement or a société d’investissement à capital variable governed by articles L. 214-164, L. 214-165 or L. 214-166 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, the valuation method is defined by an independent expert when the fund subscribes to these securities and each time a subsequent event or series of events is likely to lead to a substantial change in the risk of default by the company.