The cases in which, pursuant to article L. 3334-14, the rights built up under the collective retirement savings plan for the benefit of employees may, at their request, exceptionally be liquidated before retirement are as follows:
1° Invalidity of the person concerned, their children, their spouse or their partner in a civil solidarity pact. This disability is assessed within the meaning of 2° and 3° of article L. 341-4 of the Social Security Code, or is recognised by a decision of the Commission for the Rights and Independence of Disabled Persons provided for inarticle L. 241-5 of the Social Action and Family Code, provided that the degree of disability is at least 80% and that the person concerned is not engaged in any professional activity. Benefits may only be released once for each of these reasons;
2° The death of the person concerned, their spouse or their partner in a civil solidarity pact. In the event of the death of the person concerned, it is the responsibility of his heirs to request the liquidation of his rights and the provisions of 4 of III of article 150-0-A of the General Tax Code cease to apply on expiry of the time limits set by article 641 of the same code;
3° Sums saved are used to purchase a principal residence or to repair a principal residence damaged by a natural disaster recognised by interministerial decree;
4° The participant’s over-indebtedness as defined inarticle L. 711-1 of the French Consumer Code, at the request of the fund management body or the employer, either by the chairman of the commission for the over-indebtedness of private individuals, or by the judge when the release of rights appears necessary to pay off the participant’s debts;
5° Expiry of unemployment insurance entitlements.