The public prosecutor, the examining magistrate and the trial court, as well as the person concerned within five days of being notified of the results of the blood test ordered by one of the aforementioned authorities, may request that a control test be carried out.
This analysis is entrusted to the second expert biologist mentioned in 2° of articles R. 3354-11 and R. 3354-12. The latter carries out the control analysis in accordance with the methods prescribed by order of the Minister for Health and communicates the results to the person concerned, to the public prosecutor in the place where the offence or accident occurred and to the authority that referred the matter to him. He will keep the blood sample for nine months if he is not asked to carry out a control analysis.
The public prosecutor forwards the results of the control analysis, for a new opinion, to the expert doctor on the list provided for in article R. 3354-20 and designated by the judicial authority.