In accordance with the provisions of articles R. 15-33-67 to R. 15-33-75, the platform shall transmit, to the category of bodies mentioned in 1° of Article R. 15-33-68, requisitions drawn up by magistrates, officers and agents of the judicial police of the national gendarmerie and police force, customs and tax officials authorised to carry out judicial investigations, as well as by the specialised assistants mentioned in article 628-9 and Article 706, previously authenticated by their original administration, receives their responses and makes them available to magistrates, officers, agents and specialised assistants.
For the application of the article 67 bis-2 du code des douanes, the platform transmits the requisitions drawn up pursuant to article 67 bis-2 of the Customs Code by customs agents authorised for this purpose by the minister responsible for customs, to the category of bodies mentioned in 1° of article R. 15-33-68, receives their responses and makes them available to the aforementioned agents.