The proceeds of the contribution collected by the bodies responsible for its collection and centralised by the Agence centrale des organismes de sécurité sociale are distributed :
1° For the regional unions that elect their representatives according to the following distribution key:
a) 25% is divided equally between all the unions representing the same profession;
b) 75%, after deduction, where applicable, of the amounts mentioned in article R. 4031-26, is distributed among the unions representing the same profession, by order of the Minister for Health and the Minister for Social Security, in proportion to the number of their electors recorded at the previous election;
2° For regional unions whose members are appointed by the most representative trade unions, according to the following distribution key:
a) 25% is divided equally between all unions representing the same profession;
b) 75% is divided between all the unions representing the same profession, by order of the Minister for Health and the Minister for Social Security, in proportion to the number of healthcare professionals practising under the contractual scheme within the region.
For the application of the provisions of the previous paragraph, the primary health insurance funds will send the Minister for Health and the Minister for Social Security the number of health professionals who have signed the agreement by the first day of the third month preceding the appointment of the members of the regional union.
Payment to the unions is made no later than 15 August following the due date. Within the same deadline, the bodies responsible for collecting the contribution send each regional union the list of healthcare professionals who have paid their contribution.
The bodies responsible for collecting the contribution are charged administration fees, the terms and amount of which are set by order of the Minister for Social Security, up to a maximum of 0.5% of the proceeds of the contribution.
If the Agence centrale des organismes de sécurité sociale finds that a regional union has not been formed by 15 August following the due date, the revenue collected by the bodies responsible for collecting the contribution will be divided between all the other unions representing the same profession, in proportion to the number of healthcare professionals practising under the conventional scheme within these regions.