The head of the pleadings shall contain the information provided for in the second paragraph of Article 960 of the Code of Civil Procedure. They must expressly state the parties’ claims and the pleas of fact and law on which each of these claims is based with an indication for each claim of the documents relied on and their numbering. A summary of the exhibits shall be attached.
The pleadings shall include a separate statement of the facts and of the procedure, a discussion of the claims and of the pleas in law and an operative part summarising the claims. When, in the context of an appeal lodged pursuant to the second paragraph of Article R. 411-19, in the course of the discussion, new pleas in law in relation to the previous written submissions are put forward in support of the claims, they are presented in a formally separate manner.
The court shall rule only on the claims set out in the operative part and shall examine the pleas in support of those claims only if they are raised in the discussion.
The parties must repeat, in their final pleadings, the claims and pleas previously presented or raised in their earlier submissions. If they fail to do so, they shall be deemed to have abandoned them and the court shall rule only on the last submissions filed.