Subject to the provisions of article L. 1111-5, a midwife called upon to provide care to a minor or an adult subject to a legal protection measure with representation of the person who is not capable of expressing her wishes must endeavour to inform the parents, the legal representative or the person in charge of the measure and to obtain their consent or authorisation. The person in charge of the representation measure relating to the person shall take into account the opinion of the patient whom he represents. Except in emergencies, in the event of disagreement between the protected adult and the person responsible for her protection, the judge will authorise one or other of them to make the decision. In an emergency, or if, depending on the case, the parents, the legal representative or the person in charge of the representation measure relating to the person cannot be contacted, the midwife must provide the necessary care.
In all cases, the midwife must take account of the opinion of the minor and, as far as possible, of the adult who is the subject of the measure.