The steps must comply with the following requirements:
1° They must not be slippery;
2° If there is no riser, successive steps must overlap by 5 centimetres;
3° It is forbidden to place one or two isolated steps in the main passageways;
4° The dimensions of staircase steps must comply with good practice;
5° There must be no more than 25 steps in each flight;
6° Landings are the same width as the stairs and, in the case of uncontrolled flights, their length is greater than 1 metre;
7° Revolving staircases have a continuous swing with no landings other than those serving the floors;
8° The dimensions of the steps on the tread line 0.60 metres from the core or central void comply with good practice;
9° The external tread of the steps is less than 0.42 metres.