Subject to the provisions of the second paragraph of article R. 4301-3-1 relating to the “emergencies” field of intervention, in the field or fields of intervention defined in article R. 4301-2 included in his diploma and under the conditions laid down in article D. 4301-8:
1° The advanced practice nurse is competent to conduct an interview with the patient entrusted to him/her, take a history of his/her situation and carry out a clinical examination;
2° The advanced practice nurse may :
a) Carry out any guidance, educational, preventive or screening activity they deem necessary;
b) Carry out any clinical assessment and conclusion or any clinical and para-clinical monitoring, consisting of adapting the patient’s follow-up according to the results of technical procedures or complementary examinations or the patient’s overall environment, or based on the assessment of the patient’s compliance with and ability to adapt to their treatment or on the assessment of the risks associated with medicinal and non-medicinal treatments;
c) Carrying out technical procedures and requesting follow-up and preventive procedures included on the lists drawn up by order of the Minister for Health, after consulting the Académie nationale de médecine;
d) Prescribe :
-medicines not subject to compulsory medical prescription included on the list drawn up by the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé in application of article R. 5121-202;
-medical devices not subject to compulsory medical prescription, the list of which is drawn up by order of the Minister for Health, after consulting the Académie nationale de médecine;
-medical biology examinations, the list of which is drawn up by order of the Minister for Health, after consulting the Académie nationale de médecine;
e) Renewing, adapting if necessary, medical prescriptions, the list of which is established by order of the Minister for Health, after consultation with the Académie nationale de médecine.