The doctor, after consultation with the advanced practice nurse(s), determines the patients to whom monitoring by an advanced practice nurse is proposed. This decision is taken after examining the patient’s medical records and with reference to the skills attested by the advanced practice nurse’s state diploma, awarded by the university.
The provisions of the first paragraph do not apply when the advanced practice nurse intervenes in application of the second paragraph ofarticle R. 4301-3-1.
The doctor and the advanced practice nurse share the information required to monitor the patient in application ofarticle L. 1110-4. The doctor makes the patient’s medical file available to the advanced practice nurse. The results of the advanced practice nurse’s interventions are recorded in the medical record and the doctor is kept informed. This information is transmitted by secure means of communication.
When the advanced practice nurse observes a situation whose management exceeds his/her field of competence, he/she refers the patient to the doctor without delay and expressly informs the latter in order to enable medical management to be undertaken within a timeframe compatible with the patient’s condition.