The nurse takes part in the implementation of the following techniques by the doctor:
1° First injection of a series of allergens ;
2° First bladder catheterisation in men in the event of retention;
3° Recording electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms with stress tests or use of modifying drugs;
4° Taking and collecting haemodynamic pressure using techniques of a vulnating nature other than those mentioned in article R. 4311-7 ;
5° Actions taken to deal with life-threatening emergencies;
6° Functional investigations involving pharmacodynamic tests, stress tests, stimulation tests or provocation tests;
7° Installation of immobilisation systems after reduction;
8° Organ transplantation and tissue grafting activities in a multidisciplinary team;
9° Medical transport:
a) Emergency medical transport between care establishments carried out as part of a mobile emergency and resuscitation service ;
b) Medical transport from the place of distress to a healthcare establishment carried out as part of a mobile emergency and resuscitation service;
10° Psychiatric seismotherapy and insulin therapy.