The nurse is authorised to carry out the following procedures and care on the basis of a written, qualitative and quantitative, dated and signed medical prescription, provided that a doctor can intervene at any time:
1° Injections and infusions of products of human origin requiring, prior to their performance, when the product so requires, a compulsory identity and compatibility check carried out by the nurse ;
2° Injections of medicinal products for analgesic purposes into epidural and intrathecal catheters or catheters placed near a trunk or a nerve plexus, inserted by a doctor and after the doctor has given the first injection;
3° Preparation, use and monitoring of extracorporeal circulation equipment;
4° Removal of central and intrathecal catheters;
5° Applying a pneumatic tourniquet for surgical use;
6° Applying immobilisation devices;
7° Use of a manual defibrillator;
8° Care and monitoring of post-operative patients, subject to the provisions of article R. 4311-12 ;
9° Thermal regulation techniques, including in psychiatric settings;
10° Withdrawal and sleep treatments.