The persons mentioned inarticle L. 4321-6 are authorised to perform the following acts:
1° Within thermal establishments, the following acts of massage and medical gymnastics:
a) Joint mobilisation in a thermal water bath ;
b) Manual massage under thermal water ;
c) Manual massage with thermal water sprays or vaporisations;
d) Manual massage with the application of thermal mud;
2° Within the establishments mentioned in 2° of article L. 4321-6, according to the indications of the masseur-physiotherapist acting on medical prescription and under his supervision, the following acts:
a) Lifting the patient and helping them to walk ;
b) Activation techniques with the aim of preventing the person from losing their independence;
c) Manual massage;
d) Joint mobilisation in balneotherapy and hydrotherapy;
e) Installation of passive joint mobilisation equipment;
f) Thermotherapy.