For the implementation of the treatments mentioned in article R. 4321-5, the masseur-physiotherapist is authorised to use the following techniques and carry out the following procedures:
1° Massages, in particular manual lymphatic drainage ;
2° Postures and acts of joint mobilisation mentioned in article R. 4321-4 ;
3° Manual mobilisation of all joints, excluding forceful manoeuvres, in particular spinal manipulation and reduction of bone displacement;
4° Musculo-tendinous stretching ;
5° Mechanotherapy ;
6° Production and application of flexible restraints, adhesive or not, temporary re-education devices and posture devices;
7° Neuromuscular relaxation ;
8° Electro-physiotherapy:
a) Application of electrical currents: direct or galvanic current, galvanisation, medicated dielectrolysis, the choice of the medicated product being the exclusive responsibility of the prescribing doctor, and analgesic and excito-motor electro-stimulation current;
b) Use of mechanical waves, infrasound, sound vibrations, ultrasound;
c) Use of electromagnetic waves, short waves, centrimetric waves, infrared and ultraviolet waves;
9° Other physiotherapy techniques:
a) Thermotherapy and cryotherapy, excluding any process which may result in injury to the integuments ;
b) Kinebalneotherapy and hydrotherapy ;
c) Pressotherapy.