The masseur-physiotherapist’s fees are determined with tact and moderation, taking into account the regulations in force, the services provided or particular circumstances. They may only be claimed in respect of procedures actually carried out.
The masseur-physiotherapist complies with the provisions of articles L. 1111-3-2 and L. 1111-3-3 as regards informing the patient of the costs relating to his services and the conditions for reimbursement and exemption from advance payment of these costs. He ensures that the patient is informed in advance of the amount of the fees.
Any masseur-physiotherapist who presents his activity to the public, particularly on a website, must include information on the fees charged, the methods of payment accepted and the obligations laid down by law to allow access for all persons to prevention or care without discrimination. The information must be clear, honest, precise and non-comparative.
The masseur-physiotherapist responds to all requests for information and explanations about his fees or the cost of a treatment. He/she may not refuse payment of any sums received.
No particular method of payment may be imposed on patients. Except in the case of specific regulatory provisions, flat-rate payments for treatment and requests for advance payments for therapeutic care are prohibited in all circumstances.
Advice given to a patient by telephone or by correspondence does not give rise to any fee, subject to the provisions relating to telecare.